And collaborations, we are ready to build a long-term and effective business relationships.

We don’t do the classic outsourcing, we are interested to create a product and make a profit selling to users or providing the services with the help of services created by us.

We offer various partnership programmes:

Product creation focused on attraction investments. If you have got an idea for a game product or mobile app, or a web service, which can ultimately become a venture case, we can participate as a partner team, which will develop the soft, build technocal strategies, any promo and soft materials, as well as we could be in charge of the whole process of the project and cover all the technical aspect of the project. As a rule, the projects prepared to be a venture business are not profitable (for some time) and such projects demand superior quality of the soft. We have got the experience of work in such projects and can cover the development part.

Creating a common product with your concept and both parties investments. If you have got an idea for a game product or mobile app, or a web service we can conduct full analyzis of the chosen direction, reverse with the similar products, build up an estimate needed to release a product, and a consequent push with the tools of marketing. In such projects we can play a role of investor, maker or partner.

Investing in the ready game projects and commercial offers. At present we have got a lot of developed products, which are at the marketing stage, such game products, and commercial offers have already become the profitable business and require constant updates and branding extension, clones release, new directions and correspondingly financial maintanance of the ad campaigns and marketing. We could consider attracting investments to already existing projects, bringing profit, an advantage of such products stnds for almost total absense of the risks for an investor and the profit is reachable in a month.

Creation of a product with our concept: We always keep a plan to release new game products and commercial offers, our analysts are making a market research, looking for the new highly productive and successful niches in which it’s possible to make money in the soonest time. You can join us and develop together a product with our concept and analysis. Before we embark on development we usually weigh all opportunities and risks of the products which we plan to release, minimize the risks, and if there are some unavoidable to encounter we foresee the ways to sort them out in advance.