Problems we solve
Cybercriminals are evolving daily.
Is your vulnerability scanning approach agile enough?
Is your vulnerability scanning approach agile enough?
Tired of banner-based detects?
EASM by Logics7 avoids false positives using multiple PoC exploit engines and provides you with a code to reproduce the exploit.
Are you running weekly scans?
EASM by Logics7 operates a distributed network of scanning nodes and runs 150,000+ daily scans.
Are all attack vectors covered?
Typically, cybersecurity vendors provide scanning only for a specific type of vector, such as web vulnerabilities or system vulnerabilities. EASM Logics7 combines 24 open-source and privately written engines to achieve full L3-L7 coverage.
Are your Cybersecurity engineers overloaded?
We know that your cybersecurity department is overloaded. Logics7 will provide you with a dedicated penetration tester and weekly cybersecurity meetings. We will help to set up and run vulnerability management for your external attack surface.